Chartered Accountants & Business Growth Specialists

01432 370 572

Motivate, Invigorate, Energate

Over the years, the senior team at Duckett have been known to give presentations, provided food is available afterwards.

If you are looking for a speaker for your next event, why not give us a call? We charge  £250 per presentation, but with the guarantee that if you don’t think it was worth it, we’ll refund the fee.  

All presentations last about 45 minutes, are interactive and require the participants to be fully clothed.  

Recent topics have included: 

The seven habits of spectacularly useless leaders - a tour de force of how not to do it, coupled with an invaluable brochure on the 8 traits of the successful. 

Making your business different to the competition. We all think we know why customers buy our products/services, but do we? An interactive session that will allow you to start uncovering the real reason why customers want to do business with you and no one else. 

First impressions. Learn why many businesses fail to make that vital first impression and what to do about it. This simple session is a must for anyone whose customers make initial contact via the phone. 

Managing actions not results - or how to predict and manage your year-end profit by measuring and managing the right things. Surprisingly, watching the bank balance and sales figures is not enough. 

Price: is it an issue? - apparently not for most customers, but this hasn’t put off the average business owner. Find out how people really judge the worth of your product. 

Tax investigations - what the Revenue knows about you. Therapy available. 

How to interpret financial statements. We are accountants after all. 

It’s not what you do but the way that you do it. This is an exploration of the emotional side of the buying decision made by your clients every day. Ignore at your peril. 

Making local advertising work. Yes, there is more to it that not putting your name at the top of the advertisement. 

How to stop your business killing you - getting back in control, making more money and regaining the enthusiasm you had at the start. Plenty of true stories from the coal face. 

How to prepare your Business for sale.

if you don’t think it was worth it, we’ll refund the fee


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